International Trademark

We've helped thousands create their own trademark. How can we help you?

Trademarks are registered on a country-by-country basis. Each country has it's own government office, process and fees. We use our network of international agents to make the process as seemless as possible.

Let's get started!

What do you want to register as a trademark?

In which countries would you like to register your trademark?

Notes about interational trade mark registrations. Registration of trademarks in a number of different countries can be a complex process. Part of our service is to smooth that process for you, but there are still some parts which may require additional steps and/or fees. For example, some countries require an authenticated Power of Attorney to be filed together with the application, which can incur additional cost. Other countries have a slightly different process, like the United States who require additional information as part of the application (which if not available at the time of application, would need to be filed after at additional cost) and also require a maintenance fee between the fifth and sixth year of registration. Finally, our fee estimate is subject to changes in exchange rates, local government and local agent fees.

© 2012-2025 Applied Marks Pty Ltd (ACN 134 698 249). Applied Marks Pty Ltd is a member of the IPH Limited group and is part of an ‘ownership group’ for the purposes of the Code of Conduct for Trans-Tasman Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys 2018 (Cth). For more information, see ‘Ownership Group’. Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy.

Applied Marks Pty Ltd is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice.